How to Verify a Skrill eWallet – Full Step Guide

How to Open a Skrill Account – Full Steps Guide

Step 1 : Go to website and click on “Register” Button

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - register for an account

Step 2 : Complete the Registration form and click on the “Register” Button

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - fill registration form

Step 3 : Then, Skrill will send a verification link to your email address for you to verify your email.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - email confirmation alert

Step 4 : Go to your email and click on the “Confirm Email” button.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - email confirmation link

Step 5 : You will be redirected to the Skrill account login page. Enter your login credentials and click on the “Login” button.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - Skrill login form

Step 6 : Now, you will be presented with another form to add your details. You can choose to add these details later or do it at this time. Then, click on the “Next” button.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - add details of the person

Step 7 : Skrill will ask you to verify your mobile number. Click on the “Next” button to proceed and complete the phone verification process following the given instructions.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - mobile verification alert

Step 8 : Go to the Skrill account and click on the “Pay Online” Button.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - first payment to the skrill

Step 9 : You will receive a few steps to complete before starting the verification process. Click on the “Get Started” button to proceed.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - first payment to the Skrill

Step 10 : Now, you will see the form mentioned in “Step 6”. If you have not filled out those details yet, fill them in here and proceed to the next step.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - add registration details

Step 11 : Then Skrill will send a code to your mobile number. Enter the code and click on the “Verify” button.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - add registration details

Step 12 : Now, you have to create a six-digit code that will be used to deposit and withdraw funds. This code is a security feature. Keep this code in a safe place, as you will need it every time you withdraw funds from Skrill. Enter a code and click on the “SAVE” button.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - six digit security code creation
Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - six digit security code creation

Step 13 : Please wait a few seconds.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - six digit security code creation  wait process

Step 14 : Now, you will proceed to the “Add Money” step. Enter the amount you want to add to Skrill. Then, click on the “Select payment method” link.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - add first payment to the Skrill
Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - select payment method

Step 15 : Now , you can proceed with your selected method.

Skrill account opening and verification - tradeszee steps guide - start payment

Once you have successfully completed the steps for opening a Skrill account, you can start the verification process. Refer to the next topic to complete the verification process.

How to verify Skrill account – Full Steps Guide

Verification of the Skrill account is crucial because it involves your money, and ensuring high security for your funds is paramount. Mainly, there are three verifications for Skrill.

  • ID Verification
  • Address Verification
  • Face Verification

ID Verification

Step 1 : First , You need to verify your ID. Click on the”Setting” option and then click on the “Verification & features“option.

Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - start verification

Step 2 : Select your country and the type of the document for verification . you have three types of IDs to select ID , passport and Driving License. then go to next step

Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - verification document selection

Step 3 :Select the verification method. There are three methods of verification shown in the following image.

Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - select verification method
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - verification waiting process
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - verification document uploading window
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide -upload front side of the ID
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - upload front side of the ID checked
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - upload back side of the ID
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - upload back side of the ID  checked
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - uploaded documents checking
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - documents upload successful

Face Verification

Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - starts face verification
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - capturing the face

Address Verification

Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - address verification start
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - upload documents for address verification sart
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - select the document type
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - check document is valid or not
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - upload the document
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - check the document
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - documents successfully submitted
Skrill account verification - tradeszee steps guide - documents under revision