Contact us

We welcome any inquiries or feedback regarding our platform and its services. You can reach us through the following channels:

Tradeszee Official Email :

You can email us at following Email for any inquiries or feedback related to our platform and its services. We strive to respond to all emails within 24 hours.

Telegram :

You can also reach us on Telegram . Our Telegram channel is dedicated to providing updates on the latest trends in forex, binary, and cryptocurrency trading. We also welcome any inquiries or feedback through our Telegram channel.


You can follow us on Facebook . Our Facebook page is dedicated to providing informative and educational content on forex, binary, and cryptocurrency trading. You can also reach us through Facebook messenger for any inquiries or feedback.


You can follow us on Pinterest at . Our Pinterest page is dedicated to providing informative and educational content on forex, binary, and cryptocurrency trading. You can also reach us through Pinterest messenger for any inquiries or feedback.

You tube :

You can comment on our YouTube videos at . Our YouTube channel is dedicated to providing informative and educational content on forex, binary, and cryptocurrency trading. You can also leave your inquiries or feedback in the comment section of our YouTube videos.

We are always happy to hear from our users regarding any forex, binary, and cryptocurrency related tasks. Please do not hesitate to contact us through any of the channels mentioned above.


You can comment on our TikTok videos at . Our TikTok channel is dedicated to providing informative and educational content on forex, binary, and cryptocurrency trading. You can also leave your inquiries or feedback in the comment section of our TikTok videos.


You can follow us on Instagram . Our Instagram account is dedicated to providing informative and educational content on forex, binary, and cryptocurrency trading. You can also reach us through Instagram for any inquiries or feedback.